Entreprenerial Workers
Chairman and CEO of Gallup, Jim Clifton, in his new book, The Coming Job Wars, “ If you where to ask me, from all of the world polling Gallup ........see pg 8-11 The global tribe simply wants a good job. They want to go to work in the morning and be treated with respect, with dignity. Healthy people are the trees on which healthy fruit grow, so finding and looking after these people is of primary importance. This vital area is often underestimated in the race to get your product or service to market, and achieve the dream. It’s easy not to see employees as people, but cog’s in the enterprise machine.
Employers must understand that employees have dreams and ambitions to, and will often work more for appreciation than money.
Deciding to hire someone is for most businesses, especially startups, one of the do-or-die decisions; because if done to early or the wrong person is employed, it can cripple the company. It is also the greatest investment a business can make, causing greater productivity and profit.
There are of course many sole traders that may think that this section dose not apply to them, however most sole traders have whats called empowering-companies. Companies they rely on as suppliers or sub-contractors, and these people should be teated as employees of sorts, due to the fact that they preform the same role as staff do-helping you deliver your products and or services.
You must believe that you can find and attract the best of best - the A-Team!
Finding the right team to partner with you in growing your business is like discovering gold.
The Devil You Know!
You have heard the saying, Better the devil you know than the on you don’t. Sometimes we can under value those we know, because we know them so well, faults and all. They also know you and how you operate which can be a big plus and a good head-start. On the other hand employing your friends or family can blowup in your face and end long-term friendships and end in tears. Place friends and family through the same tests as you would others, and where practical have someone other than yourself involved.
Get a solid handle on what their expectations are:
Where they see their role leading?
Why do they want the job?
Where do they see themselves in the next 5 years?
The first question I ask is, do new employees past the character, chemistry and competency test?
Bad character in someone working for you is like having a tooth ache, they will get on your nerves and become painful and very annoying. Are they honest, reliable, hardworking, positive, and show initiative. Or are they grumpy, lazy, back-stabbing, disloyal, mean spirited people?
Some searching questions to the people your prospect employee use as references may help to uncover character flaws that may end up ruining your business. Be careful, past employees often don’t like to be negative so they only give what seems like a whisper, hinting at someones negative character traits. So drill down with direct questions if you hear that whisper.
If the law of your country allows it, when it comes to the contract stage, only offer them a trial period.
Secondly, the chemistry test. This is more important than many realize and has to do with how someone connects or fits-in with the other people in the team. Will they really be happy with the culture you have developed; such as open and honest communication or the flexible hours you set or simply the way you operate. They don’t have to be the same as you and the others, opposites do attract, but the marriage needs to work. It’s hard to define what chemistry exactly means, but as one friend of mine put it, you’ve got to like the person. When a chemistry experiment goes bad, because you place the wrong chemicals together, it can be an expositive. Research reveals, one of the major reasons for the failure of a business is a breakdown in a key relationship.
In past I have involved other staff members in a social settings so that the new player can be observed by others on the team. Often in this setting they let down their guard and show something of who they.
Lastly, the competency test. Do they really have the skills or intelligence for the role? Do they have a degree, but no practical experience? What is there track record?
Again, it may help to have other staff members or a friend accompany you in the interview process. How many times have you heard it: great character, fantastic chemistry, but hopeless at their job.
One of the biggest problems with inexperienced entrepreneurs is a lack of understanding of the laws that relate to this huge responsibility. The legal issues surrounding a new employee are to be found on most government business websites, but are often ignored resulting in massive legal costs later on. The laws and regulations that relate to employees for example, is stressful enough for most business people, let a lonethe multitude of other business related laws. Employment issues can kill a business.
Minimum employment rights
This section provides an overview of the minimum rights and obligations that apply by law to employers and employees. Employees can’t be asked to agree to less than the minimum rights. An employee is anyone who has agreed to be employed, under a contract of service, to work for some form of payment. This can include wages, salary, commission and piece rates.
Employment relationship problems
Keeping records
Minimum pay
Paying wages
Public holidays
Leave - sick and parental leave
Right to work in NZ
Trial periods