Global Tribe Entrepreneurs
The Art of Business
“A customer is the most important visitor on our premises. He is not dependent on us. We are dependent on him. He is not an interruption in our work. He is the purpose of it. He is not an outsider in our business. He is part of it. We are not doing him a favor by serving him. He is doing us a favor by giving us an opportunity to do so.”
Empowering existing and emerging young entrepreneurs to positively influence every area of life - culture, commerce, and community. Leaders that shape the thinking of the ever expanding global networks: Government, Media, The Arts, Business, Sport, Community Organizations (not-for-profits), Education, and Science.
The Idea!
The Global Tribe goal is to build the new generation giving economy by resourcing young innovative workers and the entrepreneurs who will create it. Helping build a new economic system, with giving not greed as popular culture, and helping those living in poverty the new social norm.
1. Thinking Together - GT ED The idea is to build a learning community. Dialogue and digestion of Global Tribe ED materials is best achieved in a relaxed environment, interacting with others. This can be achieved out of a home, cafe, workplace or purpose-built space. Designed to bolt-on-to a school, university or Church curriculum.
2. Resourcing each other - GT SPACES A commitment by every partner to go beyond education to helping those in GT Entrepreneurs to achieve business profitability, or a healthy StartUP, and ongoing success.
3. Working Together - GT THE CURE To help those in poverty by doing short-term AID projects, as well as working together to educate young entrepreneurs and assist in the incubation of new generation business models in poor communities.
The Global Tribe Story
Global Tribe has come full circle, starting out with the Global Tribe Extreme Cafe, committed to the dream of training thousands of young people in business and practical life-skills; to the launch of Global Tribe Entrepreneurs. We started out with a cafe, with business spaces and mentoring for young entrepreneurs, helping them to start their dream enterprise, which they did with great vigor.
We then based ourselves out of the US becoming involved with the huge fight to make poverty history, building houses in Mexico, learning centers in India, medical aid in Haiti, hospital care in Africa and the list goes on.
The outcome of many years of involvement in working with these countries was the realization that we could never donate the poor out-of-poverty, that if we did not assist in building an economic engine at the heart of these communities, we may be simply creating a dependency on ourselves and be doing more harm than good. Assisting entrepreneurs in starting new models of businesses is the key to job creation and central to moving communities out of poverty. The best thing that we can do for global poverty is to help start small businesses with a people-loving core.
New Model of Job Creation
Professor Klaus Schwab in his address at the Annual Meeting 2012 in Davos -Kloster, Switzerland, on, ‘The great transformation’, introduced four new models that needed to be created in order to push beyond the current global crisis. The forth new model he suggested must be addressed was, ‘The need for a new model of job creation’.
There are now, Time Magazine unveiled, in the western world, 75 million young people between the ages of 18-25 who are unemployed. In the US 54% of this age group are unemployed. A high percentage of these have degrees, but no opportunities, their potential left to rot. This is the new poverty, and a global crisis.
Jim Clifton, chairman and CEO of Gallup, writes in his new book, The Coming Job Wars, “ If you where to ask me, from all of the world polling Gallup has done for the last 75 years, what would fix the world - what would suddenly create world wide peace, global wellbeing, and the next extraordinary advancements in human development, I would say the creation of 1.8 billion jobs. The problem we have is that we have 7 billion people now living on the planet, with 3 billion needing a job. However there is only 1.2 billion full-time formal jobs available.
Professor Klaus Schwab goes on to say,’We also know that hundreds of millions of people will enter the job market in the next decade...The key to mitigating a catastrophic situation is to provide young people with the capability to create their own jobs: to move from the pure concept of unemployment to the concept of micro-entrepreneurship. This will require fundamental changes in educational systems, nurturing a societal spirit of entrepreneurial risk- taking...and making innovation and the support of innovation a key imperative in public and private life.
The What!
Global Tribe Entrepreneurs
This course, The Art of Businesses - The 7 Pillars of the Enterprise Universe, is for entrepreneurs wishing to understand the business universe. The reason for using the term Universe is that business is a universe of sorts, an ecosystem! The universe is a finely tuned balance of chemicals, systems and particles; many of which are still beyond the grasp of science. In the same way, business is a finely tuned activity; a balancing act of all the component-parts of what makes an enterprise tick. This course will introduce you to the major subsystems of business; The 7 Pillars of the Enterprise Universe.
These 7 Pillars lay at the heart of the Global Tribe Entrepreneurs strategy. If an entrepreneur wants to succeed they must first gain a clear understanding of what the business ecosystem looks like. The universe of this enterprise engine is complex, but an overview, or the basics, can be easily understood by learning the 7 Pillars, the component-parts of every successful business.
The 7 Pillars of the Enterprise Universe are....
1. The Entrepreneur(s)
2. The Customer
3. The Team
4. The Money
5. The Law
6. The Manager
7. The StartUP
I have kept these 7 Pillars reasonably broad and philosophical so that this overview can be used in most countries as a way to gain a birds-eye view of the Enterprise Universe. Some things are universal, and increasingly so, but many of the laws and regulations are very different from country to country and community to community. However, the foundation principles or the basic’s of starting and building an extraordinary enterprise are universal.
Most countries have their own government website with more detail covering company law, tax law and business regulations.
America -
New Zealand -
Singapore -
Austriala -